
Tabletop-Buildings & Miniatures

(Officially Licensed HirstArts Seller based in The Netherlands)



A new shop

You can find our new shop at etsy.. under the name tabletopbuildings. This new site will be full with 3D printed items.. This site will be selling both the miniatures and the hirstarts buildings...



The first 14 miniatures from the Asgard Rising Miniature range and the first 22 miniatures from StoneKing Miniatures are added... We have now also a merchant License from this company..

Thanks and take care..



The miniatures from The Era of the Great Serpent from the Crippled God Foundry are added to the website..

Thanks and take care..



The first 40 (of the 107 from the kickstarter) are online from the Dice Heads Range..

up to the next 20....

Thanks and take care..



The resin 3D Printer has arrived so we can start printing and selling miniatures from Dice Heads, PrintMini's, Crippled God Foundry, Asgard Rising Miniatures and Cast'n Play Miniatures... 

In the weeks ahead we will put them in the shop...

Thanks and take care..



The HeroQuest Board (TAB590) is added to the website.

You can find this item under the tap: 28-32mm Terrain - Fantasy - HeroQuest

Thanks and take care..



The Jungle (TAB339) is added to the website.

You can find this item under the tap: 28-32mm Terrain - Fantasy - General Terrain

Thanks and take care..



We also have lots of auctions on Ebay... Just have a look at them...

you can find them here....



Tabletop-buildings.com consistently seeks to push table-top wargaming to the edge of reality by balancing playability, realism, beauty and flexibility in all of its hand crafted terrain.

Why choose Tabletop-buildings.com for your wargame terrain needs?
Simply put, Tabletop-buildings.com does more than any other terrain manufacturer to show you exactly what you are getting, customize it to your needs and provide some of the most realistic and detailed terrain available. Detailed photos and personal attention that allows customers to completely modify their orders to meet their game and table needs, sets Tabletop-buildings.com above the competition. A quick search on the web will reveal many terrain manufacturers, but few who offer as much as you'll find here.

What should you know about Tabletop-buildings.com before you place an order? 
Tabletop-buildings.com is a very small company catering to miniature enthusiasts and collectors. Instead of the high volume, fast turn around model of most companies, Tabletop-buildings affords a one on one experience, with time and devotion afforded to every piece created. Please take the time to review the information provided on each page to best understand the skills offered, as well as the how's and why's regarding all aspects of customer service.

It is strongly recommended that visitors review the 'Shipping' page before placing an order.

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